Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Cathe's Shock Training System video previews

Cathe Friedrich's long awaited weight training workouts -- Shock Training System -- are still not available to be shipped, but a few are on YouTube to preview. I don't know if you read my previous post about STS, but it is a periodization system with 3 mesocycles. My favorite method of weight training is muscle endurance (or mesocycle 1 in this system). Each of the available previews thus far are from the first mesocycle -- yay!

There will be 4 different workouts for each body focus in each mesocycle. These are all from week one.

Here they are for your viewing pleasure. The leg workout looks great!

Chest, Shoulders & Biceps -- part 1

Chest, Shoulders & Biceps -- part 2

Back & Triceps -- part 1

Back & Triceps -- part 2


What do you think of that green top? Pretty bright! It reminds me of the lime popsicles I used to pick out when the ice cream man drove by our house. :)

These dvds are supposed to ship before Christmas. I'm excited to finally do them!

Click here to visit Cathe dot Com.

1 comment:

  1. Nice videos of exercise training. Really this will help in the weight training program for losing weight for most of the people with healthy manner.
