Cathe Friedrich's long awaited weight training workouts -- Shock Training System -- are still not available to be shipped, but a few are on YouTube to preview. I don't know if you read my previous post about STS, but it is a periodization system with 3 mesocycles. My favorite method of weight training is muscle endurance (or mesocycle 1 in this system). Each of the available previews thus far are from the first mesocycle -- yay!
There will be 4 different workouts for each body focus in each mesocycle. These are all from week one.
Here they are for your viewing pleasure. The leg workout looks great!
Chest, Shoulders & Biceps -- part 1
Chest, Shoulders & Biceps -- part 2
Back & Triceps -- part 1
Back & Triceps -- part 2
What do you think of that green top? Pretty bright! It reminds me of the lime popsicles I used to pick out when the ice cream man drove by our house. :)
These dvds are supposed to ship before Christmas. I'm excited to finally do them!
Click here to visit Cathe dot Com.
Nice videos of exercise training. Really this will help in the weight training program for losing weight for most of the people with healthy manner.