Saturday, January 31, 2009

Start saving your pennies

I heard a woman on the radio a few weeks ago say that her husband saved all his change in a bucket. He decided to count it all up to take to the bank and had over a thousand dollars! I can't remember how long he'd been saving it up, but that was pretty impressive. I want to recommend to all my friends and family to get Dr. Fuhrman's Eat for Health book set, but it's pretty expensive for most people right now. It's almost $50 for the set. (It's $46.99 at Amazon with the free super-saver shipping or $39.99 + shipping on Dr. Furhman's site). You can get the audio download or audio CD for just over $20, but I think the book is better to have if you have to choose just one. I bought the CD first and loved listening to it on trips (or on my cellphone -- I downloaded it there and it's nice to listen to in chunks too). But it left me wanting to see the information in print for a reference. I'm really happy to have the books by my bed at night.

So start saving your pennies or other change now if you can't afford it just yet. Maybe it will add up faster than you realize and you'll be learning from Dr. Furhman yourself. His Eat to Live book is great too, but I love Eat for Health even better. In Eat to Live, he spells out all the scientific studies about nutrition and explains the healthiest way to eat. But in Eat for Health, I think it's more user-friendly because he tells you how to start eating healthier without giving up too much of the foods you may be attached to. You'll later find that you can't possibly fit all that food into your body each day and will hopefully give up the other food that just harms your body. I know it's worked better for me this way.

Maybe I'm just a crazy person who can't get enough of Dr. Furhman's writings. :) I do love to read nutritional advice that actually makes sense though. And everything he writes does. Sometimes it's sad to learn that what you're doing isn't the best for your body. But eventually you end up appreciating it.

P.S. (I added on some quotes from Dr. Fuhrman to my last post, so if you haven't read them yet, scroll down to the bottom and relish in his wisdom :))

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