Monday, January 30, 2012

Running again!

I did it!  I put on my new running shoes and ran on my treadmill for over 30 minutes, 35 to be precise!  I couldn't have done it without Sean O'Malley (my Cardio Coach).  I did most of Cardio Coach #3, and just loved it.  And yes! I figured out how to use iTunes yesterday (with a little help from my son).  I downloaded all of my Cardio Coach cds onto my iPod and I'm ready to be a runner again!  (Sorry for all the exclamation points, but I am excited!)

I have to show you my new running shoes, too.  I have a high arch and my foot rolls to the outside a bit (so I wear down the outer side of my shoes first).  It ends up putting a lot of pressure on the outside of the balls of my feet, which hurts, plus it puts undue pressure on my knees.  I decided to buy a pair of good neutral (to slight underpronator) running shoes that could help my feet and found that Brooks looked the best.  But I didn't really want to spend $100.  With a little research, I found, which has current running shoes at full price, but also previous models at discount prices.

So I found these Brooks Glycerin 8 (last year's model) running shoes (normally $130) for about $45 with free overnight shipping (and free return shipping -- Can you believe it?)  The price listed is $53.88, but I found an online coupon code for another 15% off.  And they fit perfectly so I don't even have to send them back and try another size.   They feel amazing!  The whole time I was running, I was excited to feel that my foot was landing perfectly balanced.  Happy Running!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Is it too late for a New Year's Resolution?

January's not quite over, so I'm going to add a resolution.  I know many people don't like New Year's Resolutions anymore, but it's just a goal by another name.  (Just like the people who say, "This isn't a 'diet,' it's an 'eating plan'" -- it's all the same if you're making a switch.  What you eat is your diet!)

Anyway, I want to write more (and I know I've been saying that I haven't been writing enough in my blog for a few years now), but I'm feeling the need even moreso now, especially with my fitness videos.  I want to share more about my workouts because it's such a joy (and a health benefit) in my life and I want to help others find the gems I have if they are looking for workouts to do at home.  So many of my friends say that they can't work out at home, but the video fitness market is HUGE, so I'm sure there are still many out there who do. 

I may plow through my favorite Cathe workouts first since that's what I'm doing right now, but don't hold me to it.  I may change my mind mid-stream.  I've been known to do that.

I'm also seeing if I can renew my love for running.  I used to run 5-6 miles a day, but stopped when I moved to L.A. and didn't want to breathe the smog so intently.  I have a treadmill now though (and clean air if I want to venture outside) and I'm getting the nudge inside to start running again.  My favorite way to do it is with my Cardio Coach cds.  I need to download them onto my iPod.  That would be another good resolution for the year -- learning how to download from iTunes.  My son has only showed me 3 or 4 times and for some reason, it never makes sense.  And I'm not a computer dummy -- I've solved so many virus problems, changed hard-drives, reformatted the computer, etc.  The time has come to add "downloading songs to my iPod" to my list of computer achievements.  I will shout from the mountain tops when I can do it!